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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Symbolic Consumption of Hijab: A Case Study of Muslim Women in Indonesia

Published: May 27, 2020


Jhanghiz Syahrivar, Corvinus University of Budapest; Isyana Arslan, President University; Tamás Gyulavári, Corvinus University of Budapest


symbolic consumption; hijab; Muslim women


Various studies have noted that the adoption of hijab among Muslim women may go beyond the fulfilment of religious duties. Hijab may serve as a medium to convey one’s political aspiration, liberation from the materialistic world, empowerment, modesty and many more. In short, hijab is a form of symbolic consumptions. Nevertheless, the triggers to such consumptions are less explored hence many retailers of Islamic products targeting Muslim market fell into a so called Marketing myopia. This study explored less-explored antecedents to symbolic consumption in Islamic context, namely religious commitment, guilt and self-esteem. 816 Muslim Women from Indonesia took part in this research. The hypotheses were tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results suggest that 1) there is a negative relationship between religious commitment and guilt 2) religious commitment and guilt positively influence symbolic consumption of hijab and 3) self-esteem partially mediates the relationship between religious commitment and symbolic consumption.